The school is affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi and follows ICSE syllabus till class 10th & ISC syllabus for classes 11th & 12th. [School Affiliation Number: UT113.]
Shishya uses interactive methods of teaching; such methods include:
At Shishya, assessments are designed in such a way as to avoid pressurising the students.
Grades are awarded not only for the academic performance but also for efforts taken by students in class work, homework, student’s general behavior.
Subjects taught in Classes 6th to 8th: English language, English Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Hindi, German, Computer, Life skill, Moral value, GK, SUPW and Art.
Subjects taught in ICSE – Classes 9 & 10:
Compulsory subjects: English language, English Literature, Hindi, Social Studies (History/civics & Geography);
Optional subjects 1: (choose any two): Mathematics, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Commercial studies, Economics.
Optional subjects 2: (choose any one): Computer studies, Physical education, Art.
Other subjects : Life skill, Moral value, GK, SUPW and Art.
Subjects taught in ISC – Classes 11th & 12th
Compulsory subjects: English language, English Literature
Stream 1: Physics, chemistry and Mathematics,
Stream 2: Physics, chemistry and Biology
Stream 3: Accountancy, Commerce, Economics.
Optional subjects 1: (choose any one): Computer science, Hindi.
Optional subjects 2: (choose any one): Art, Physical Education.
Other subjects : Life skill, Moral value, SUPW .